Did you know you can make yogurt at home, in your kitchen? This is the recipe we use when making our yogurt from scratch!
Making your own yogurt is very easy once you have figured it out. It was on my bucket list of things I wanted to master for too many years before I finally set aside time to do it. Once I had done it I regretted waiting so long it was so easy!
A few notes before starting. You will need milk, it is best to use a higher fat milk like 2% or whole.
You also will need a cultured or active plain yogurt. If you are just starting out grab some plain greek yogurt from the store to get you started. Once you have yogurt made you can use the cultured yogurt from a previous batch!

Homemade Yogurt
Milk (whole or 2% is best) - 1 quart (4 cups)
Cultured or active plain yogurt - 2 TBSP
Pour milk into a pot and heat to 180°F. Monitor with a thermometer as it can heat quickly and you don't want it going beyond 180°F.
Once its reached 180°F, remove from heat and set in an ice bath. You can do this by keeping the milk in the pot or pouring it into jars. Monitor the temperature and remove it from the ice bath as soon as it hits 115°F.
Add the cultured yogurt and stir.
Place in an area that will keep temperature. (I wrap the yogurt in towels and place in my pressure canner since its sitting empty most of the time.)  An oven that is not hot is another good place.

Keep in this location 7-14 hours. The longer is sits the more tart it will be. Do not shake or stir the yogurt during this time.
Once yogurt is set store in the refrigerator.
*Recipes use all different temperature recommendations this will affect the tartness and/or thickness of finished yogurt.
**Once your yogurt is done you can add fruit or natural flavours to it like vanilla or maple syrup. I like to divide mine into smaller jars and add the flavours right away so the kids can just grab them as quick and ready snacks.
Homemade is Always the Best!
Enjoy your homemade yogurt topped with granola, as a breakfast or snack at any time! And you can feel good about making something from scratch because homemade is always the best!

Want some homemade jam or local honey to add to your yogurt, stop into our marketplace to get some fresh produce and preserves to add to your homemade goodness!