When making apple sauce there are two ways to do it. The easy way and the hard(er) way. To do it the easy way, you should get yourself a food mill. Why? Let’s explore!

It's Better When It's Homemade!
Apple sauce is a yummy and healthy snack. While you can grab it at the grocery store, there is nothing like homemade apple sauce from fresh apples, especially apples picked from your own tree!
The difficult part about apple sauce is peeling and coring all the apples. It’s time-consuming and can make it seem easier to go to the grocery store and grab a jar off the shelf.
That’s where a food mill comes in! Its purpose is to separate skins and seeds from fruits, typically for apple or tomato sauce and is unlike any other kitchen gadget you may own.
A food mill is a simple machine that you use by hand. No need to plug it in or add batteries. You just use some elbow grease to crank the handle and separate the sauce from seeds, which means your kids can take a turn giving it a whirl (literally)!

Can you guess how many varieties of apples we grow on our farm? Stop by our marketplace to ask Farmer Heidi how many she has in her orchard!
How to Use a Food Mill (for apple sauce)
Cut your apples into pieces (skins and seeds included). We like to use Gala and Honeycrisp apples, picked right on our farm!
Add a little water to the bottom of the pot and add the apples
Simmer the apples until soft (stir frequently).
Once the apples are done, put the food mill over another pot and pour in the apples.
Turn the handle on the food mill until all the apple sauce sifts out the bottom and you are left with the skins and seeds, which you can discard into the compost
Let it cool, then add sugar and/or cinnamon to taste. Enjoy your homemade apple sauce that took half the time to make with your food mill!

Get Back to Basics!
The simplicity of the food mill is a reminder of days gone by before they had fancy gadgets and yet it stands the test of time. Sometimes new isn’t better and you have to go back to the basics!
We love making apple sauce with our food mill and if you are looking to save some time in the kitchen, we're sure you'll love it too!
At Generations Marketplace we want to honour the people who came before us. Part of this is learning the history of the landscape and the people who lived there. In the process, we are learning how to make farming sustainable and creating a homestead that produces whole foods. We continually are looking for new (or old) ways to produce food that is good for our bodies and creates less waste. Check out the yummy goodies we have created which are available for purchase in our marketplace!