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Sat, Aug 10


Generations Marketplace

Family Vermicomposting

August 10th | 10am

Family Vermicomposting
Family Vermicomposting

Time & Location

Aug 10, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

Generations Marketplace, 200 Concession 13 Townsend, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K3, Canada

About the event

This how-to vermicompost workshop is perfect for anyone who is interested in reducing their food waste footprint, creating nutrient-rich compost for their plants, or just wants to learn more about red wigglers. 

During this workshop, you will learn about the benefits of vermicomposting, how to set up a vermicomposting system, and tips for keeping your worms happy and healthy (and your worm bin for getting gross). We’ll set up your new vermicompost bin together, talking about each part that goes into it and how to manage each component going forward.

Amanda Hunter is the Worm Wrangler! She has both an M.Sc. and B.S.A. in soil science! Amanda’s passions lies in exploring soil health and ecology, minimizing contributions to landfill, and sharing about composting with kids and adults. She thrives on empowering people to make positive changes in their community and the environment. Vermicomposting lies at an interesting intersection of soil, environment, community and curiosity. Amanda’s favorite thing to do is teach people about vermicomposting and how they can use it in their own lives to reduce their environmental impact.

Price is per kit. You may chose to come as a family or as an individual. 

$75.00+tax per kit ($84.75)

Payment can be completed in store during business hours or by e-transfer to with your name and the class you’ve registered for. We will only hold your spot for one week without payment so please send it as soon as possible.

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